Today, I'm going to tell you about Swim Team! The other night I was at a 4th,5th, and 6th grade dance. (It was awesome and I'll be posting about that next.) Anywho, my mom was outside the door of the place where the dance was being held, talking to the other adults, like adults do ;) She started talking to my friend NingLi's mom and it turns out NingLi is on the swim team! I asked my mom if I could be on the swim team back in 3rd grade, but she said no.
Well, when I came out for a bathroom break because we were all having so much fun and dancing so hard, my mom asked me "Hey! Would you like to be on the swim team?" I didn't know what to say at first, so for a minute i just sat there like a moron with a look on my face that probably made me look like a Japanese cartoon character. After a second, I said: "Sure! I asked you back in third grade so I would LOVE to!" with a big smile. :) I left with a look of pride on my face and a warm feeling inside. It left my mind quickly though, because it was back to party time. But, after the dance, I spent the night at a friends house with three other girls. Then I started thinking about it more and I got really excited.
I've never been on a sports team or been in any type of gymnastics or dance class, so this is a first. I've asked my mom numerous times in the past to be on different things like a cheer squad, dance class, yoga, gymnastics,Girl Scouts, and of course, swim team, but none of those times was a time when she could afford it. So now I was really excited and wouldn't talk about anything else.
So on May 2nd, my mom registered me without telling me. I found out the next day and I was so excited! We went to a swimsuit fitting on Saturday, and I have a suit that I can practice and compete in :) Tryouts are on the 14th, (this Saturday) and I'm so nervous and excited! My older borther, Jesse is going to try out too.
Wish me luck! :)
Limitless Lizzie