It was Color Wars day of Spirit week at school today!! Our grade's color was blue, and I wore my brother's Blue work Shirt, Blue Sweats, Blue hair accessories, Wrote "Go Blue!" on my face, and wore those dorky glasses again. Today felt so much like a Friday, it was ridiculous. When I woke up we had a special breakfast. Since Mom didn't feel like going to the store last night just for milk, this morning we had: Chocolate chip and regular chocolate muffins, Scrambled eggs, sausages, and Hot cocoa. It was so yummy. It was a really big portion, so I still have some eggs and sausage covered up in the fridge for tomorrow morning. Anyways, after breakfast, Mom wrote the "Go Blue!" on my face, and I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and all that good stuff. Then I had Mom take a Picture of me, as you can see above.When I got to school, they made me wipe off my face paint because of some school rule. Apparently it's "distracting" I was thinking : "That's like the MAIN way to be creative and extreme with your color; Facepaint." Oh well, we all have our reasons. After Math, we practiced our Science raps and my group added dance moves to make it more interesting. Then we had lunch.Chili. School Chili. Before you ask; No. I didn't eat it. I ate the other things on my tray and traded someone my Chili for some of their food. :))After lunch we did our Journals and a really fun reading activity; lets just say there was throwing and catching involved. :)) We also had a short 20 Minute PE, Recess, and then we finished our reading activity. When class let out, I did safety patrol and with that vest and work shirt, I looked like an employee instead of a student. XDDDAnywho, after that I came home, did my homework, ate a snack, and now I'm blogging! Today wasn't a very exciting day but, hey; who said days were always a thrill? XD Tomorrow is the last day of Spirit week and it is Falcon Spirit day. Special shout out to Mikey .V: Thanks for the funny comment! Made my day! Thanks so much for following! You're the best and I hope we get to meet soon! Well, that's my day, and keep on Rockin'! ;D
January 26th, 2011It was Backwards and inside out day at school today! I wore my pink Arkansas shirt backwards and inside out, my blue pants backwards and inside out, a ponytail on the front of my head and some dorky glasses. When I walked into the classroom Everybody was saying : "It's not nerd day" and I would say "I know! I thought the glasses were a nice touch. :)" I LOVE those glasses now. I can't stop wearing them. XD Today was a really fun day. Every one was all backwards and someone said : "Well you're supposed to wear backwards clothes, but it's backwards DAY, so you should just wear normal clothes." I thought that was clever.This morning we had a math test that was fairly easy, and then we moved on to Science. We read Chapter 9, lesson 1, and we had a Pop quiz. The lesson was about the layers of the earth. The crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. But here's the fun part. For the pop quiz we got into groups of three and make a rap about one of the layers. I got into a group with Anna and Bailey, and Anna was the beat boxer. The rap had to have at least three facts, so we each came up with a fact and put them together. Bailey was a little shy, so we all did her line together.Here's how the rap went (beat boxing) ♫ The top layer of the mantle is sold hot rock ♫ (beat boxing) ♫ The mantle has very, very deep pressure♫ (beat boxing) ♫ Convection flows slowly in the mantle ♫ wikki wikki wikki wikki word! I love that rap. On Friday, our teacher is going to have us perform it in front of both classes in our grade and she is going to film it. :DWe did a review in Social Studies, had an early recess, and we had a student from Hendrix College as a guest speaker who told us about Hendrix (and college in general), and he emphasized the fun and cool parts. :) Then I came home and did my homework, and now I'm blogging! And I just got some great news! My mom is upgrading our internet real soon!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goodbye slow internet. XD Pretty fun for a Wednesday, huh?Tomorrow is Thursday of Spirit Week, and it's "Color War" Day. All the grades have to wear a different color, and the goal is to be the most extreme with your color. Our grade is Blue. YEEEEAAAAHHH. I also have safety patrol tomorrow! That's my day, and keep on quacking! ;)
Hi there! I am about to take you on a journey of my life. You won't be able to take your eyes away from the computer. My life truly is limitless. Some kids don't realize how much they have and how much they have to be thankful for. And they think things like: "What? I could never do that." Well, somebody's gotta do it, don't they? You just can't limit yourself. I don't ;)
After being PUBLISHED in a children's magazine at age 10, and invited to do it again, I feel like my life is limitless. I'm no longer afraid to reach for the sky when it comes to this sort of thing. I know that I will never fall, if I persevere, and even if I do get tempted to give up, I have my awesome family and friends there to keep me going. I really do have the most awesome friends and family in the world, and after losing a very close friend of mine I had my other friends and family to talk to. The lesson of that story was that not everybody will like you forever, or even like you at all. It's not your fault, that's just life.
I also learned that you can't stay down about something forever and let it ruin your life. You just have to try and forget about it, and for me, my crazy friends made it a lot easier then it probably ever would have been. When life gives you lemons, you just have to make lemonade. The point is, if I can get past losing one of my very best friends, AND I can get published, AND get an offer from the editor to submit again, my life is limitless. It's all because I have an amazing family, amazing friends, and most importantly, God's word. In the long run, those are the only things that truly matter. The possibilities in life are endless. Welcome to Lizzie's Limitless Life.