It was Color Wars day of Spirit week at school today!! Our grade's color was blue, and I wore my brother's Blue work Shirt, Blue Sweats, Blue hair accessories, Wrote "Go Blue!" on my face, and wore those dorky glasses again. Today felt so much like a Friday, it was ridiculous. When I woke up we had a special breakfast. Since Mom didn't feel like going to the store last night just for milk, this morning we had: Chocolate chip and regular chocolate muffins, Scrambled eggs, sausages, and Hot cocoa. It was so yummy. It was a really big portion, so I still have some eggs and sausage covered up in the fridge for tomorrow morning. Anyways, after breakfast, Mom wrote the "Go Blue!" on my face, and I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and all that good stuff. Then I had Mom take a Picture of me, as you can see above.
When I got to school, they made me wipe off my face paint because of some school rule. Apparently it's "distracting" I was thinking : "That's like the MAIN way to be creative and extreme with your color; Facepaint." Oh well, we all have our reasons. After Math, we practiced our Science raps and my group added dance moves to make it more interesting. Then we had lunch.Chili. School Chili. Before you ask; No. I didn't eat it. I ate the other things on my tray and traded someone my Chili for some of their food. :))
After lunch we did our Journals and a really fun reading activity; lets just say there was throwing and catching involved. :)) We also had a short 20 Minute PE, Recess, and then we finished our reading activity. When class let out, I did safety patrol and with that vest and work shirt, I looked like an employee instead of a student. XDDD
Anywho, after that I came home, did my homework, ate a snack, and now I'm blogging! Today wasn't a very exciting day but, hey; who said days were always a thrill? XD Tomorrow is the last day of Spirit week and it is Falcon Spirit day. Special shout out to Mikey .V: Thanks for the funny comment! Made my day! Thanks so much for following! You're the best and I hope we get to meet soon! Well, that's my day, and keep on Rockin'! ;D

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