Lizzie's Limitless Life
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Sorry for not posting in so long!
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I was invited to sing the Star Spangled Banner!

The band director and general music teacher at our school surprised me last week.
Me: Working in class
Band Director: Walks in my classroom and says to teacher: “May I speak to Lizzie, please?”
My teacher: “Sure!”
Me: Looks at him like …
Band Director: “Don’t worry, you’re not in trouble.”
Me: Feels tension ease up in room and walks out into hallway with Band Director
Band Director: “So, since we just kind of started using this new elementary building and never had a Grand opening ceremony (Elementary is k-6 and I’m in 6th.) they’re having one where they cut a ribbon and everything. They asked me to choose one elementary student to sing the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ at the ceremony, and frankly, you’re the only one I can trust. Would you like to do it?”
Me: So freaking overjoyed I could hug him “Yeah!”
Band Director: “Awesome! Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll talk to your teacher and we’ll get you out of class next week so you can come practice.” (My Band Director is like a big kid which is why he’s so freaking awesome.)
Me: Goes back to class with huge smile on face
I’m really happy that out of all the elementary students, (About 500) He thought of me and said I was the only one he could trust. I’ve always been the girl that got good grades, but didn’t make a show out of it, but I really excelled in music. A few months ago he said I have the most natural musical ability he’s ever seen since he’s been teaching. (I’m in school band too.) I’m really happy that he chose me, and I’m really nervous. But I know with the support of my friends(The ones that know about it anyway, I didn't want to make a big deal of it, so I only told a select few,) and family, I'll do great :)
This is another great example to show my life truly is limitless. Never give up on your dreams, and never limit yourself. I don't ;)
Monday, September 19, 2011
School Band!
So far, we''ve learned six of the seven notes we are most likely going to learn this year. We've made sure everyone understands how to read music, and we're starting to go from "just noise" to Music. I love expressing myself through music. I am a section leader, even though there are only two people in my section, including me. My section is Low Reeds.
Today, he let us listen to a little preview of our Christmas songs. First was just, you know, a song. The second one was "Jingle Bones" where the Trombones have a couple of solos and funny parts. Then, there is another song, and finally, he said if we can learn all those songs, we can learn an encore song. Are you ready? That's right, Dynamite. By Taio Cruz. How AWESOME is that? It sounded really cool and I really hope we get to do it. :) I have band three times a week, and one practice after school on Thursdays. I really love band and I am looking forward to learning lots of music this year!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Starting School!
Okay, so first I'll tell you about tutoring. At open house, I stopped by to see my teacher from last year and I said Hi, and gave her BIG hug. She said: "Hey Lizzie! How you doing girl?" We talked about what we did over the summer, and she said: "Lizzie, would you like to tutor my kids?" So, I said: "....Sure, Why not?" so that's how that happened. Okay, so a lot of things this year at my school this year are different, the biggest change being a new building. But, one of the, I guess "Medium Changes" is Enrichment. Enrichment is a program with things like Drama Club, Photography club, Cheerleading Club, etc. It's from 3:15pm-3:55pm each day, and you get to choose your club. I'm excited for enrichment becuase I love to act and I am thinking about doing Theater. (Drama Club)
Now, The next thing, School Band, is a WHOLE other story, so I'll make a seperate post about that. The last thing I'm going to talk to you about today is Friendships. There is someone who I was friends with a couple years ago and had a very bad experience with them, But thankfully, the praying has paid off and Me and that person get along very well. I'm excited for this year, and I'm excited to learn this year. So make sure you do some learning yourself this year, whether it is in school, out of school, or both, and keep checking back for more posts. :)
UPDATE: Sunday, September 18th, 2011
We start tutoring
and Enrichment tomorrow!

Saturday, June 18, 2011
4th, 5th, and 6th grade dance!
When I got to the dance that night, all I had to say was WOW. When I was walking up the ramps that led to where the dance was being held, I could already hear the music and the excitment booming. When I got there, I was speechless. I mean it was not what I expected AT ALL. It was kind of a tiny room for so many people, but it was glowing. Literally, GLOWING. The music was REALLY LOUD, everybody was dancing, and it was a dark room with strobe lights and people were drawing with highlighters on the walls and it would glow. They were writing on themselves too and my other friend made her face look like a kitty. It was just so much fun. Everybody was singing along to the songs, and it ended all too soon. There were Hoola Hoops and a beach ball everyone was tossing around too. It was one of those things where somebody you don't know or barely know could walk up too you, start dancing, and you would just start dancing with them because it just didn't matter. It was a light feeling and there was just a certain vibe in the room. I went outside to cool off, and I guess I shouldn't have been surprised but there was about ten other sweaty people out there :P It ended with me and my friends and a sleepover. It was such a great night! Well, until next time, Stay Blessed.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Swim Team!
Today, I'm going to tell you about Swim Team! The other night I was at a 4th,5th, and 6th grade dance. (It was awesome and I'll be posting about that next.) Anywho, my mom was outside the door of the place where the dance was being held, talking to the other adults, like adults do ;) She started talking to my friend NingLi's mom and it turns out NingLi is on the swim team! I asked my mom if I could be on the swim team back in 3rd grade, but she said no.
Well, when I came out for a bathroom break because we were all having so much fun and dancing so hard, my mom asked me "Hey! Would you like to be on the swim team?" I didn't know what to say at first, so for a minute i just sat there like a moron with a look on my face that probably made me look like a Japanese cartoon character. After a second, I said: "Sure! I asked you back in third grade so I would LOVE to!" with a big smile. :) I left with a look of pride on my face and a warm feeling inside. It left my mind quickly though, because it was back to party time. But, after the dance, I spent the night at a friends house with three other girls. Then I started thinking about it more and I got really excited.
I've never been on a sports team or been in any type of gymnastics or dance class, so this is a first. I've asked my mom numerous times in the past to be on different things like a cheer squad, dance class, yoga, gymnastics,Girl Scouts, and of course, swim team, but none of those times was a time when she could afford it. So now I was really excited and wouldn't talk about anything else.
So on May 2nd, my mom registered me without telling me. I found out the next day and I was so excited! We went to a swimsuit fitting on Saturday, and I have a suit that I can practice and compete in :) Tryouts are on the 14th, (this Saturday) and I'm so nervous and excited! My older borther, Jesse is going to try out too.
Wish me luck! :)
Limitless Lizzie